
Methamphetamine 🧊🎵 A1 QUALITY
Description & Details
Methamphetamine (commonly referred to as **meth**) is a highly addictive and potent central nervous system stimulant. It is chemically similar to amphetamine, a drug used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy, but methamphetamine has stronger effects on the brain and body.
Methamphetamine is associated with an intense, euphoric "rush" followed by prolonged periods of heightened energy and focus. Users often report feeling invincible, hyper-alert, and extremely confident.
Methamphetamine works by dramatically increasing the release of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain, creating a powerful sense of pleasure and energy.
Methamphetamine is consumed in several ways, each producing different intensities and durations of effects:
1. Smoking: Crystal meth is often smoked in glass pipes, producing an immediate and intense high.
2. Snorting: Powdered meth is snorted through the nose, leading to a slower onset but longer-lasting effects.
3. Injecting: Methamphetamine can be dissolved in water and injected, producing an immediate and powerful rush.
4. Swallowing: Meth can be taken orally in pill form or dissolved in a drink, resulting in a slower onset of effects.
5. Rectal or Vaginal Use: Less common, but some users administer meth in these ways for a rapid and intense high.